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EZ機車駕照題庫 - 2015最新版 1.0.2
Mobile Cloud Corporation
EZ機車駕照題庫,友善的介面與操作方式,是您準備機車駕照筆試的最佳幫手* 題庫來源: 本題庫來源為交通部公路總局, 網址特色* 美觀介面與友善操作* 輕鬆瀏覽駕照題庫* 隨時隨地都可進行模擬練習(10題~40題)* 隨機出題達到最佳練習效果* 可針對曾錯題目練習EZlocomotive driver's license exam, friendly interface and operation,are you prepared to the best helper locomotive driver's licensewritten test* Exam Source: The exam for the Ministry of TransportationHighway Administration sources at* Beautiful and friendly operation interface* Easily browse driver's license exam* Anytime, anywhere simulation exercises (10 questions - 40questions)* Random topic best practice effect* You can practice for the title was wrong
中華郵政題庫 1.1.0
Mobile Cloud Corporation
== 考試簡介 ==中華郵政公司原為「臺灣郵政管理局」,隸屬交通部,由於因應與民營公司遞送業,以及與金融、壽險業者激烈的市場競爭,為突破郵政經營限制,於民國91年(2002年)7月完成郵政法修正,並於民國92年(2003年)1月1日改制,成立由交通部持有100%股權之國營「中華郵政股份有限公司」。中華郵政採不定期招考,近年由於連續辦理優退,為補足人力需求,幾乎每年舉行招考。考試需擇一職階類組分區網路報名。分二試舉行:第一試為筆試,第二試有口試(郵政外勤人員另有體能測驗),考進員工後月薪水從2萬8起至4萬3左右。== 考試特色 ==1.考科少 : 4個科目,3張考卷,可短期衝刺,不像高普考要長期抗戰。2.公司福利好,績效獎金、年終令人稱羨 : 除勞健保外公司另視營運狀況提撥績效獎金。3.門檻低,高中職畢業即可考 : 即使是二度就業或是轉任都可勝任。4.簡章公告至考試日期短 : 大部分考生易來不及準備,因而提前準備的考生錄取率相較於固定日期的公職考試來的高。5.分區考試制度,考生可以自由選擇不受分發限制 : 分區考試,考生可以選擇離家近的考區,就近照顧家裡。== 薪資與待遇 ==1.營運職:按中華郵政公司從業人員待遇表第41級薪級起薪(月薪43,055元)。2.專業職(一):按中華郵政公司從業人員待遇表第53級薪級起薪(月薪32,065元)。3.專業職(二)內勤:按中華郵政公司從業人員待遇表第57級薪級起薪(月薪28,155元)。4.專業職(二)外勤:按中華郵政公司從業人員待遇表第57級薪級起薪(月薪28,155元)。另依擔任工作之性質按「中華郵政股份有限公司員工兼任工作加給每月應發款額表」規定發給兼任駕駛加給及收投加給(全月約5,903元)。Introduction == == examChunghwa Post company was "Taiwan Postal Service", under theMinistry of Transportation, due to the response of privatecompanies to deliver the industry, as well as finance, insuranceindustry of fierce market competition, to break through the postalbusiness restrictions, in the Republic of 91 years (2002) 7 monthsto complete the amended Postal Law and the Republic of China 92​​years (2003) 1 January restructuring, the establishment holds100% equity interest owned by the Ministry of Transportation,"Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd."Chunghwa Post mining irregular recruitment in recent years due tocontinuous handle gifted back, to complement the manpower needs,recruitment, held almost every year. Optional exams require apost-order clusters partition network application. Divided into twotest held: the first test for the written test, the second testhave oral (postal field staff and another physical fitness test), amonthly salary of employees admitted after water from 20,008 untilaround 40,003.== Features == exam1. Koch less: four subjects, three papers, for short sprint,unlike high Pukao want long-term resistance.2. The company benefits, performance bonuses, year-end enviable: Inaddition to health care workers outside the company set asideanother depending on the operating conditions and performancebonuses.3. The low threshold, high school graduation to test post: Even thesecond time employment or transfer any available job.4. pamphlets short notice to the exam date: Most of the candidateseasy time to prepare, the candidates prepared in advance so thatthe acceptance rate compared with high fixed date to publicexamination in.5. Zoning examination system, candidates are free to choose not todistribute restrictions: Subdivision exam, candidates can choosethe test area close to home, the nearest care home.Salary and remuneration == ==1. Trading post: by China Post Treatment Table 41 employees inthe pay scale salary (monthly salary of 43,055 yuan).2. Professional category (a): by China Post Treatment Table 53employees in the pay scale salary (monthly salary of 32,065yuan).3. Professional level (two) back office: by China Post TreatmentTable 57 employees in the pay scale salary (monthly salary of28,155 yuan).4. Professional level (b) Field: treatment by Chunghwa Post Companyemployees Table 57 pay scale salary (monthly salary of 28,155yuan). Depending on the nature of the work of another as the press,"Chunghwa Post Co. employees plus part-time work should be sent tothe amount of the monthly tables" regulations issued concurrentlyapplied to the driver and close to dosing (full month about 5,903yuan).
臉書來電秀 1.5.2
Mobile Cloud Corporation
「臉書來電秀」來電不設定FB好友動態也沒關係,新功能將好友來電設成MV(影片),讓你擁有獨一無二的來電顯示!最新社群來電大頭貼,APP串聯FB好友相簿,「臉書來電秀」新一代的社群來電大頭貼,APP串聯FB好友相簿與塗鴉牆動態,來電馬上顯示;還有好友生日提醒通知,黑名單與來電鈴聲設定,讓你和好友聊天話題多多友誼零距離,穩坐社交扛壩子!√ 本服務月租30元,可免費試用完整版7天√ 試用到期未申裝,自動切換為免費版(可永久免費使用單一功能)*服務特色1.全螢幕來電大頭貼:可任選一張照片作為來電大頭貼(免費)2.來電影音大頭貼:使用喜愛的音樂MV作為來電大頭貼3.動態桌布來電大頭貼:手機動態桌布就是您的來電大頭貼4.臉書來電秀:來電顯示臉書好友最新相簿、塗鴉牆等最新動態5.臉書好友生日提醒:貼心提醒好友生日6.上傳我的大頭貼:對方來電前,會先看到您上傳的照片7.上傳我的影音大頭貼:對方來電前,會先看到您上傳的影片8.多種來電佈景主題:提供按鈕式、滑動式的來電接聽介面9.自訂聯絡人鈴聲:每個聯絡人都可以設定不同的來電鈴聲10.設定來電黑名單:將來電轉至語音信箱11.去電確認:提供撥號確認功能,避免不小心誤撥電話*********************************************臉書來電秀目前支援 遠傳、中華、台哥大、威寶用戶申裝使用*********************************************臉書來電秀是可以將通訊錄和臉書好友資料串連的APP。讓您接聽電話前就能馬上知道朋友在臉書的最新動態,看到對方最新照片,還有個性化來電圖框設定。讓您隨時隨地關心朋友,拓展交際圈。注意事項* 本服務目前支援遠傳、中華、台哥大、威寶用戶* 本服務在臉書好友配對後,會預先下載好友部分的照片與塗鴉牆訊息,以達到最佳的顯示效果* 本服務會產生傳輸費,建議申請各電信業者的手機上網方案* 本服務月租30元,現在註冊可免費試用七天* 免費試用七天後,未申裝服務將自動切換為免費版本"Face bookcalls show" is not set to call FB friends does not matter dynamics,new features will be a friend to call set MV (movie), so you have aunique Caller ID!New Community Caller ID, APP series FB Friends album, "Face bookcalls show" a new generation of community Caller ID, APP albumseries FB friends with Wall dynamic, call immediately display;still friends birthday reminders , blacklist and ringtone settings,so that you and your friends a lot of talk of friendship distance,sit tight social carry Bazi!√ The service monthly rent $ 30, free trial version of the fullseven days√ trial expires undeclared loaded, automatically switch to the freeversion (permanent free use of a single function)* Service FeaturesA Full Screen Caller ID: optionally a photo as Caller ID(free)2 Caller video emoticons: Use your favorite music MV as CallerID3 Live Wallpaper Caller ID: phone live wallpaper is your CallerID4 face book calls show: Caller News Facebook Friends latest album,graffiti walls, etc.5 Facebook Birthday Reminder: intimate friends birthdayreminder6 upload my avatar: before each call, will first see yourPhotos7 upload my video emoticons: before each call, will first see youruploaded videos8 multiple calls theme: provides buttons, slide call answeringinterface9 custom contact ringtone: Each contact can set differentringtones10 Set call blacklist: the caller to voicemail11 Outgoing Confirmation: confirmation provide dial function toavoid accidentally dialed by mistake  *********************************************Facebook calls show currently supports remote, China, Tai Geda,Verbatim users install the application using*********************************************Face book calls show the data contacts and Facebook friends canbe concatenated APP. Lets you answer the phone before you canimmediately know the latest developments in face book friends andsee each other latest photos, and personalized caller frame set.Let your friends anytime, anywhere care, expand social circle.Precautions* The service currently supports remote, China, Tai Geda, Verbatimusers* This service face book friends after pairing will advance todownload photos with friends graffiti wall message part to achievethe best display effect* This service generates transmission fees, it is recommended toapply each operator's mobile Internet solutions* The monthly rent of 30 yuan service, seven days free trialRegister now* Seven days after the free trial, the service will not applyinstalled automatically switch to the free version
Faceshow Photo Editor 1.0.1
Mobile Cloud Corporation
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鼎文公職證照王 1.3.0
Mobile Cloud Corporation
說明鼎文公職證照王是您準備公職、公民營機構考試的好幫手,提供您最優質的模擬與考古題庫、最新考訊、年度考試資訊、考試行事曆。服務特色【考試種類多】我們支援多達50多種各類公職、公民營機構考試【考題數目多】我們的考古題與鼎文模擬題庫合計超越50萬題,而且題數陸續增加中【考題專業解析】我們的題庫,每一題都支援專業的解析,可以大量縮短您準備考試的時間【考試資訊】我們提供最新考試新聞、考試報名資訊、優惠活動通知【專業支援】我們提供專業的支援,如果對於考題有任何疑問,歡迎透過問題回報、Email或電話的方式聯絡我們【操作簡便】我們認為APP的易用性很重要,因此設計出讓您可以快速作答與練習的操作介面,如果有任何建議,也歡迎聯絡我們鼎文公職題庫包含以下考試* 公職考試 - 鐵路特考,一般警察,高普考,司法特考,初等/地方五等,地方特考(三、四等),移民特考,關務特考,民航特考,調查局,海巡特考,稅務特考,身障特考* 機關就業 -中華郵政,捷運公司,台電養成班,中鋼公司,經濟部工業局,中華電信,中華國際黃頁,臺灣省農會,水利會,國營事業,公幼教保人員,臺灣菸酒* 證照類 - 導遊領隊人員,不動產經紀人* 證券類 -證券商業務員,證券商高級業務員,期貨商業務員,投信投顧業務員,企業內部控制,股務人員,票券商業務員,證券分析師,金融市場常識與職業道德,債券人員* 財會類 - 記帳士,會計事務技術士乙級,中小企財務人員,會計事務技術士丙級* 銀行類 - 理財規劃人員,信託業務人員,銀行內部控制與內部稽核,初階授信人員,初階外匯人員,公民銀行招考* 保險類 - 投資型保險業務員,人身保險代理人* 國貿類 - 貿易業務技術士乙級,國貿大會考,貿易業務技術士丙級,專責報關人員,兩岸經貿商務人才客服資訊* APP使用(建議)、完整版服務申裝取消(付費)等問題Email:電話: (02)8231-6187
捷運招考題庫 1.1.0
Mobile Cloud Corporation
== 考試簡介 ==台北捷運為因應將大台北地區打造成「1小時生活圈」之計畫,台北捷運公司以平均每年一條線的速度完工通車,屆時隨著各線陸續通車,台北捷運公司將階段性釋出職缺。台北捷運為台北市政府轉投資公司,官股佔6成,工作環境及待遇穩定,薪資從2.5萬元至4.4萬餘元,錄取率僅約4%。桃園捷運桃園捷運公司秉持用心經營的「服務導向」及「乘客至上」的理念,根植台灣,邁向國際,拓展捷運、物業及相關業務,成為世界級企業,樹立創新的大眾捷運系統經營管理典範,並充分展現「運輸、科技、信賴」的桃園捷運經營目標,為應營運準備業務需求,特委託『財團法人金融研訓院』辦理新進人員招募甄試作業,將於明日(5/28)舉行筆試。本次甄選以機電工程及營運管理之專業人力為主,甄試類別包含機械組、電機組、土木組、資訊組、運務技術組、運務規劃組、行政規劃組等七類,錄取員額共100 人。自 5 月 3 日開放網路報名後,至 5 月 16 日現場報名截止,共有 17,153人可參加本次甄試,平均錄取率約0.58%,其中尤以運務技術組預計錄取32 人,報名人數高達 6,116 人,錄取率僅 0.52%競爭最為激烈。(桃園捷運新聞稿)== 考試特色 ==台北捷運●薪資、福利優,月薪最高五萬台北捷運公司不管是薪資還是福利都不比國營事業遜色,試用期滿後,月薪約有29000元到52000元不等,營運獎金也很優渥,台北捷運年終固定會有一個月,年終最高可上看4.5個月。●考試科目少,適合短期衝刺準備考試台北捷運的招考科目只有四科,和一般公職考試比較,雖然共同科目多一科電腦概論,但電腦概論主要是考電腦相關常識,難度不會太高,適合想要短期衝刺考上的考生。桃園捷運●考試科目少,適合短期衝刺準備考試桃園捷運的招考科目只有四科,和一般公職考試比較,雖然共同科目多一科適性評量,但適性評量主要是考語文推理、數的能力、抽象推理、機械推理等四大部分,難度不會太高,適合想要短期衝刺考上的考生。== 薪資與待遇 ==台北捷運助理控制員:試用期間月薪約41000元,適用期滿月薪約52500元。工程員(二):試用期間月薪約41000元,適用期滿月薪約45300元。電子、電機、冷凍空調維修類助理工程員:試用期間月薪約33100元,適用期滿月薪約38900元。其他類助理工程員:試用期間月薪約33100元,試用期滿月薪約36600元。技術員:試用期間月薪約27200元,試用期滿月薪約30100元。司機員:試用期間月薪約27200元,試用期滿月薪約30100元。隨車站務員、站務員:試用期間月薪約26500元,試用期滿月薪約29300元。※除年終獎金固定一個月薪給外,另試公司全年營運績效及個人績效發給各項獎金。桃園捷運正式人員依學經歷本公司薪給要點統一訂定之「本薪」,另外每月再各不同職級發給 務加各不同職級發給職務加給等Introduction == == examTaipei MRTIn response to the greater Taipei area to fight the "one hourliving circle" program, the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation to anaverage annual rate of completion of a line of traffic, then eachline of succession as the opening of the Taipei Rapid TransitCorporation will periodically release Vacancies . Taipei MRT TaipeiCity Government reinvestment companies, government-owned sharesrepresenting 60% of the working environment and the treatment ofstable, payroll from 25,000 yuan to 4.4 million yuan, the admissionrate of about 4%.Taoyuan MetroTaoyuan Metro Company uphold the intention of operating a"service-oriented" and "passengers first 'philosophy, rooted inTaiwan, towards the international expansion of the MRT, propertyand related business, a world-class enterprises, establishinnovative mass transit systems management model, and full of"transport, science and technology, trust" in Taoyuan Metrobusiness objectives, business needs to be operational preparation,special delegate "Foundation Financial Institute School" auditionrecruit new staff to handle the job tomorrow (5 / 28) at thewritten examination.The selection of professional manpower mechanical and electricalengineering and operational management of the main auditioncategory contains seven categories of machinery group, turbines,civil groups, information groups, and transport services technologygroup, transported Services Planning Group, the executive planninggroup, etc., taking posts A total of 100 people.Open since May 3 after network registration until May 16 on-siteregistration deadline, a total of 17,153 people may attend theaudition, the average acceptance rate of about 0.58%, especially intransport traffic technology group is expected to enroll 32 people,registration Up to 6,116 the number of people admitted to the mostcompetitive rate of only 0.52%. (Taoyuan Metro press release)== Features == examTaipei MRT● salaries, excellent benefits, salary up to fiftythousandTaipei Rapid Transit Corporation regardless of salary or benefitsare not less than the state-owned enterprise, after the trialperiod, a monthly salary of about 29,000 yuan to 52,000 yuan range,the operation is also very generous bonuses, the Taipei MRT willhave a month-end fixed, annual maximum Judging 4.5 months.● test subjects less suitable for short sprint prepare for theexamTaipei MRT recruit subjects only four families, and the generalpublic exams comparison, although one more common subjectsIntroduction Branch Computer, Introduction to computers but mainlyto test computer-related knowledge, the difficulty is not too high,for want of candidates admitted to the short sprint .Taoyuan Metro● test subjects less suitable for short sprint prepare for theexamTaoyuan Metro's recruitment of subjects only four families, and thegeneral public exams comparison, although one more common subjectsBranch suitability assessment amount, but the amount of adaptiveassessment is mainly verbal reasoning test, the number four mostability, abstract reasoning, mechanical reasoning, the difficultyis not too high, for want of candidates admitted to the shortsprint.Salary and remuneration == ==Taipei MRTAssistant Controller: a monthly salary of about 41,000 yuanduring the trial period for the expiry of a monthly salary of about52,500 yuan.Project Officer (2): a monthly salary of about 41,000 yuan duringthe trial period for the expiry of a monthly salary of about 45,300yuan.Electronic, electrical, refrigeration and air conditioning repairclasses Assistant Project members: monthly salary of about 33,100yuan during the trial period for the expiry of a monthly salary ofabout 38,900 yuan.Other categories Assistant Project members: monthly salary of about33,100 yuan during the trial period, the trial period of about36,600 yuan monthly salary.Technician: a monthly salary of about 27,200 yuan during the trialperiod, the trial period of about 30,100 yuan monthly salary.The driver Members: monthly salary of about 27,200 yuan during thetrial period, the trial period of about 30,100 yuan monthlysalary.Lorry station staff, station staff: about 26,500 yuan monthlysalary during the trial period, the trial period of about 29,300yuan monthly salary.※ In addition to fixing a salary for year-end bonuses, another testthe company's annual operating performance and individualperformance distributed to various bonuses.Taoyuan MetroFormal learning experience of staff in accordance with theCompany's payroll unified set of points "Benxin", another month andthen distributed to the various ranks Works plus distributed to thevarious ranks and other duties applied to
鼎文公職題庫 1.3.9
Mobile Cloud Corporation
鼎文公職題庫是您準備公職、公民營機構考試的好幫手。提供您最優質的模擬與考古題庫、最新考訊、年度考試資訊、考試行事曆與鼎文最新優惠活動。重要公告 * 如無法使用信用卡購買完整版題庫,請點選下方的開發人員網站 服務特色【考試種類多】我們支援多達50多種各類公職、公民營機構考試【考題數目多】我們的考古題與鼎文模擬題庫合計超越50萬題,而且題數陸續增加中【考題專業解析】我們的題庫,每一題都支援專業的解析,可以大量縮短您準備考試的時間【考試資訊】我們提供最新考試新聞、考試報名資訊、優惠活動通知【專業支援】我們提供專業的支援,如果對於考題有任何疑問,歡迎透過問題回報、Email或電話的方式聯絡我們【操作簡便】我們認為APP的易用性很重要,因此設計出讓您可以快速作答與練習的操作介面,如果有任何建議,也歡迎聯絡我們鼎文公職題庫包含以下考試 * 公職考試 - 鐵路特考,一般警察,高普考,司法特考,初等/地方五等,地方特考(三、四等),移民特考,關務特考,民航特考,調查局,海巡特考,稅務特考,身障特考 * 機關就業 -中華郵政,捷運公司,台電養成班,中鋼公司,經濟部工業局,中華電信,中華國際黃頁,臺灣省農會,水利會,國營事業,公幼教保人員,臺灣菸酒,中油 * 證照類 - 導遊領隊人員,不動產經紀人 * 證券類 -證券商業務員,證券商高級業務員,期貨商業務員,投信投顧業務員,企業內部控制,股務人員,票券商業務員,證券分析師,金融市場常識與職業道德,債券人員 * 財會類 - 記帳士,會計事務技術士乙級,中小企財務人員,會計事務技術士丙級 * 銀行類 -理財規劃人員,信託業務人員,銀行內部控制與內部稽核,初階授信人員,初階外匯人員,公民銀行招考 * 保險類 -投資型保險業務員,人身保險代理人 * 國貿類 - 貿易業務技術士乙級,國貿大會考,貿易業務技術士丙級,專責報關人員,兩岸經貿商務人才客服資訊 * APP使用(建議)、完整版服務申裝取消(付費)等問題 Email:電話: (02)8231-6187 * 函授、上課報名等問題 Email: 電話:(02)2331-9797
鐵路特考題庫 1.5.0
Mobile Cloud Corporation
== 考試簡介 ==交通事業人員係指隸屬交通部之事業機構從業人員,依交通事業人員任用條例之規定任用,採資位職務分立制,其資位分業務及技術兩類。業務類包括業務長、副業務長、高級業務員、業務員、業務佐、業務士;技術類包括技術長、副技術長、高級技術員、技術員、技術佐、技術士。鐵路特考配合用人機關需求,設高員三級、員級及佐級考試,採筆試方式舉行,其中佐級考試車輛調度、機械工程、機檢工程、養路工程等類科須第二試體能測驗,以筆試成績為考試總成績,配合任用需求擇優錄取。但本考試筆試成績有一科為0分或體能測驗未達及格標準或總成績未達50分者,均不予錄取。缺考之科目,以0分計算。== 考試特色 ==每年固定會舉辦的考試,鐵路特考通常在三月份報名、六月份考試,高員級考三天、員級考兩天、佐級考一天。值得注意的是佐級依類科不同分為兩天考試,其中第一天考試的運輸營業與第二天考試的車輛調度只差一門專業科目,所以考生可以多準備一科專業科目,選擇一魚二吃的方式,增加上榜機率!(運輸營業與車輛調度相同考科:1.國文2.公民與英文3.運輸學大意;相異科目:運輸營業-企業管理大意、車輛調度-鐵路法大意)== 待遇與薪資 == 1.高員三級及格,取得薪級42級,薪資約42675元(含薪額24080元、專業加給14595元、營運獎金4000元) 2.員級及格,取得薪級38級,薪資約35480元(含薪額19120元、專業加給12860元、營運獎金3500元) 3.佐級及格者,取得薪級30級,薪資約33280元(含薪額17280元、專業加給12700元、營運獎金3300元)
過年鞭炮音效 1.7
Mobile Cloud Corporation
提供多種過年常見的鞭炮音效, 鞭炮串, 沖天炮, 大龍炮, 霹靂炮, 蝴蝶炮, 搖錢樹, 水鴛鴦, 蜂炮, 仙女棒, 安全環保又有趣
輕鬆學單字 1.8.1
Mobile Cloud Corporation
導遊領隊人員題庫 1.1.8
Mobile Cloud Corporation
== 考試簡介 ==專技普考導遊、領隊人員為考選部每年舉辦1次的證照測驗。一、導遊人員考試之考試類型除第1試採筆試測驗外,選試外國文者,另有第2試口試,採外語個別口試,就應考人選考之外國語舉行個別口試,並依外語口試規則之規定辦理。應試科目(筆試)如下:均採測驗題型(1)導遊實務(一)(包括導覽解說、旅遊安全與緊急事件處理、觀光心理與行為、航空票務、急救常識、國際禮儀)。(2)導遊實務(二)(包括觀光行政與法規、臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例、香港澳門關係條例、兩岸現況認識)。(3)觀光資源概要(包括臺灣歷史、臺灣地理、觀光資源維護)。(4)外國文【選試外語組任選一種】二、領隊人員考試之考試類型為筆試測驗。應試科目(筆試)如下:均採測驗題型(1)領隊實務(一)(包括領隊技巧、航空票務、急救常識、旅遊安全與緊急事件處理、國際禮儀)。(2)領隊實務(二)(包括觀光法規、入出境相關法規、外匯常識、民法債編旅遊專節與國外定型化旅遊契約、臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例、兩岸現況認識)。(3)觀光資源概要(包括世界歷史、世界地理、觀光資源維護)。(4)外國文【選試外語組任選一種】 == 考試特色 ==本考試及格方式,以考試總成績滿六十分及格。本考試及格人員,由考選部報請考試院發給考試及格證書,並函交通部觀光局查照。外語導遊及領隊人員考試及格證書,應註明選試外國語言別。前項考試及格人員,經交通部觀光局或其委託之有關機關、團體舉辦之職前訓練合格,領取結業證書後,始得請領執業證。
智力測驗題庫 1.0.2
Mobile Cloud Corporation
收錄數千題智力測驗題庫, 分為以下分類, 適合正在準備智力測驗的朋友 01. 方塊測驗 02. 校對測驗 03. 圖形填充測驗04.辨認測驗 05. 圖形速算測驗 06. 紙板折合測驗 07. 抽象推理測驗 08. 數系測驗 09. 序列推理測驗10.數學能力測驗 11. 語文類推測驗 12. 詞類歸納測驗 13. 字義測驗